Unless specified otherwise, all product content that appears on Zomdo.com or Zomdo Marketplace ("Zomdo") is provided by participating Zomdo "Sellers" and/or under terms of various affiliate programs that Zomdo participates in. Zomdo does NOT own this content, nor do we guarantee the accuracy of the content provided. It is provided AS IS.
Affiliate Marketing
Zomdo earns commission from promoting products and services on its websites and apps. We participate in various programs:
Amazon Associates Program
Zomdo.com ("Zomdo") is a a member of the Amazon Associates Program and we participate in the Amazon Affiliate program. The program allows Zomdo.com to use Product Advertising API (PA API).
What is the Product Advertising API (PA API) ?
Product Advertising API (PA API) is available to Amazon Associates and it provides programmatic access to search and get detailed product information from Amazon.com. API users can get detailed information about products such as product title, description, image URLs, prices, similar products, prime eligibility, offers and many other details that can be used to monetize their websites by giving recommendations and promoting the products.
What does this mean?
This means content that you have loaded onto Amazon.com may appear on this website. This includes information about products such as product title, description, image URLs, prices, similar products, prime eligibility, offers and many other details. Zomdo.com does NOT own this content nor is it responsible for the accuracy of the content provided. The content is provided AS IS.
Target Partners Program
Zomdo.com (Zomdo.com LLC) is a member of the Target Partners program. The program allows Zomdo.com to promote products and services under this program.
What does this mean?
This means content that you have loaded onto target.com and/or their affiliate websites may appear on zomdo.com. This includes information about products such as product title, description, image URLs, prices, similar products, prime eligibility, offers and many other details. Zomdo.com does NOT own this content nor is it responsible for the accuracy of the content provided. The content is provided AS IS.
How do I remove my content from Zomdo.com and/or Zomdo Marketplace?
If you don't want your product(s) or service(s) to appear in any of our websites and/or apps, you can simply request for it to be removed. Just send an email to support@zomdo.com and we will process your request. Please note once a product or service is removed, it will not be allowed back onto the platform.
Any question?
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact support@zomdo.com.