Author: William D. Mahoney
- 18 sections
- 112 chapters
- 104 figures
- 29 tables
Number Of Pages: 756
Details: Gives all accessibility guidelines for buildings and facilities and contains the full text of the new (July 2004) ADA and ABA guidelines, organized and presented in an easy-to-use format with an extended index and enhanced illustrations.
What's more, you'll find all like subjects contained in the same chapter, with cross-references to all relevant guidelines, and special advisories to enhance your understanding of the guidelines and their practical application.
All current accessability requirements are listed in this massive encyclopedia of information. It features 18 sections, 112 chapters, 104 figures, and 29 tables to help you understand all aspects of accessability requirements in construction
EAN: 9781557014993
Release Date: 07-04-2010
Package Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.6 x 1.6 inches
Languages: English
Binding: Paperback