Banana Teether

Sale price$15.99

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Soothe your baby
Teething is not fun, but you can ease it. This banana is what can help! Almost every person knows how annoying teething is, even though it happens at a young age. The mouth itches, aches, ugh! If your baby is teething, this banana can be their salvation from the pain and discomfort.
No more tears!
It’s 100% safe
Don’t you worry about your baby’s safety! This banana is made from FDA-approved food-grade silicone. It’s free from BPA or any other toxic plastics.
Finally, a relief
This little banana is chewable, and it has little bristles that gently scratch the irritated gum, providing your baby with the relief they need so much.
A must-have for a parent
Every parent needs to have this banana at their home. The baby will start teething someday, and you should be prepared for it. Don’t wait until your baby cries and puts whatever is accessible into their mouth to relieve the discomfort. You can easily put this teether in any cupboard or compartment because it’s so petite: 3.93x2.36x0.78 inches. Have a clean and safe solution at hand, and leave your child and you without sleepless nights and unnecessary stress.

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