Classroom Complete Press CC7316 Five Strands of Math Big Box

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Classroom Complete Press CC7316 Five Strands of Math Big Box

For students in grades 3-5, our ready-made Math program has over 1,600 individual activities on over 400 engaging and highly interactive screen pages. Your students will have ample opportunity to learn all the expectations within the 5 NCTM and Core Curriculum Math Strands: Number & Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Data Analysis & Probability. Our comprehensive math program includes both task and drill activities to provide a well-rounded learning experience. To learn each skill, we include 200 pre-assessment activities, 200 word problems centered around real-life experiences, and reinforce these concepts with 750 drill problems to practice and strengthen student procedural proficiency skills. In this 5 CD set, each ready-made screen contains printables, interactive lessons, memory match game, board game and spinner game. After every chapter, test your student's comprehension with an assessment quiz by using SMART Notebook software's assessment tool, SMART Response.

  • Grades: 3, 4, 5.
  • Reading Level: 3-5.
  • Screen Pages: 400.
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