Brand: Halo
Color: Colorless
- 21 lb. bag of Halo Holistic Plant-Based Recipe with Superfoods dry adult dog food: Vegan dog food made with no animal ingredients.
- 100% complete and balanced, plant-based dog food with added vitamins and minerals for adult dogs: Natural dog food made with non-GMO ingredients, no corn, wheat or soy, and no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors.
- High-quality ingredients: This vegetarian dog food is cooked in the USA with high-quality ingredients for optimal nutrition and digestive support.
- Complete digestive health: Prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics provide digestive care and immune support for dogs.
- Healthy skin and coat for dogs: This holistic dog food is made with an optimal balance of omega fatty acids.
Details: Halo Holistic Vegan Plant-Based Recipe with Superfoods is a highly nutritious, sustainable dry dog food formulated with high-quality ingredients to boost your dog’s health. Your pet’s well-being starts in their gut, and our holistic dog food is made with thoughtfully selected ingredients that optimize their overall health. Our plant-based, super premium dog food is a holistic blend of high-quality ingredients, including vitamin and mineral-rich superfoods like blueberries, cranberries, carrots and apples. It’s 100% complete and balanced nutrition that your dog needs to look and feel their best. As a digestive dog food, it includes prebiotics and probiotics for dogs, plus postbiotics to support every stage of digestion. Our natural dog food dry formula is cooked in the USA and has added vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Each recipe supports healthy skin and coat for dogs with optimal levels of omega fatty acids. Plus, it’s made only with non-GMO ingredients, and no corn, wheat, soy or artificial preservatives. No gimmicks, no phony claims. Just incredible pet food. That’s Halo Holistic Vegan dog food
EAN: 0745158392262
Package Dimensions: 22.2 x 15.3 x 4.5 inches
Binding: Target
Part Number: 39226
model number: 39226