Brand: Purina Moist & Meaty
Color: Other
- 100 percent complete and balanced adult dog food pouch
- Purina Moist and Meaty dog food made with real beef
- Moist dog food in individual pouches for quick, no-mess meals
- Stay-fresh dog food pouches preserve flavor and tender real meat dog food texture
- Unique soft and meaty beef dog food texture is a dog-pleasing choice you can feed them as a treat meal or dog meal toppers
Details: Serve up the smiles for your dog with Purina Moist and Meaty Steak Flavor adult dog food. The convenient individual Purina Moist and Meaty dog food pouches make it easy to fill their bowl with a 100 percent complete and balanced meal for adult dogs, offering the real meat dog food taste and soft texture dogs crave. Stay-fresh pouches keep every bite tender and full of mouthwatering beef dog food flavor. We make this semi moist dog food with real beef, with each serving supplying the high-quality protein he needs for strong muscles. Use these soft dry dog food pouches as single-serve meals, snacks, or dog meal toppers sprinkled over his wet or dry food to make his meals twice as exciting. Don’t keep your dog waiting; serve Purina Moist and Meaty Steak Flavor pouches. There’s no cleanup for you, and the delectable meaty bites made with real beef in our soft and moist dog food pouches might just convince him he’s ordering off the people menu.
EAN: 0038100120441
Release Date: 27-11-2011
Package Dimensions: 10.9 x 9.2 x 8.9 inches
Binding: Target
Part Number: 038100120441
model number: B0018CFNB0