Brand: Purina ONE
Color: Other
- Real beef is the first ingredient in this yummy combo of tender morsels and small dog food kibble bites, helping craft a high protein dog food with protein for dogs that helps support strong muscles
- Is Purina ONE good for dogs? This Purina ONE large, medium and small breed dog food supports a microbiome balance, is easily digestible and offers prebiotic fiber for dogs to promote gut health
- Beef dog food delivers a Purina ONE SmartBlend of high-quality ingredients, including carbohydrate sources for healthy energy and natural sources of glucosamine for dogs to promote joint health
- Vitamins A and E support bright eyes, four antioxidant sources help support immune health, and omega-6 fatty acids plus vitamins and minerals nourish a soft coat and healthy skin
- Is Purina ONE made in the USA? This natural dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients is proudly produced in Purina-owned, U.S. facilities
Details: Feed outstanding nutrition with Purina ONE Natural Small Bites Beef and Rice Formula adult dry dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients. What are the ingredients in Purina ONE? The SmartBlend of high-quality ingredients starts with real beef for a high protein dog food that helps support strong muscles, including a healthy heart. With 0 percent fillers, each high-quality ingredient in our beef dry dog food serves a purpose. Quality carbohydrate sources in the real meat dog food provide healthy energy, and prebiotic fiber for dogs promotes gut health and immune support. The digestive care dog food has natural sources of glucosamine to support joint health for dogs, and crunchy dog food kibble with added calcium helps promote strong teeth. Serve meals big and small dogs love with Purina ONE Small Bites dog food, and check out the bag for the Purina ONE feeding chart, calories in dog food, dog food ingredients list and instructions on how to switch dog food.
EAN: 0017800149303
Release Date: 06-04-2023
Package Dimensions: 25.0 x 21.0 x 6.7 inches
Binding: Target
Part Number: 017800149303
model number: 14930